
Any person who applies for membership, shall be enrolled as an individual voting member.  In order to remain a member in good-standing, each individual must contribute to the Society each calendar year through either 1) a financial contribution, or 2) volunteer hours, or 3) participation in one or more Society meetings.

Membership Meetings

The annual meeting of the Society Shall be held in the month of April at the call of the president, at which meeting the officers and standing committees shall present their annual reports. The election of officers and directors shall be held as prescribed by the constitution, a majority vote electing. Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the meetings, but a lesser number will adjourn the meetings.

Honorary Memberships

Honorary and gift memberships may be awarded by the Board.  They shall consist of persons who may be distinguished for important public service to the cause of historical research or education, or a benefactor of the Society.  Such members shall be entitled to full voting rights at membership meetings for a period of one (1) year.


We are undertaking a significant project, as part of our Strategic Plan, to conduct a thorough and comprehensive inventory of our entire collection. Working with an historic house museum consultant, we will need volunteers who can dedicate time with us this summer to this enormous undertaking. We think there will be a feeling of tremendous satisfaction as you will know more about certain parts of our collection than anyone before. What is more, this work will inform the future direction of the Cheshire Historical Society!

Please consider helping out!  We’d love to see you.

  • E-mail if you can help at any of these events;

  • Phone the Society at 203-272-2574; or

  • Just come by: Sunday afternoons 2-4 p.m.

The Society welcomes gifts of money or property, and will invest or care for such gifts to ensure the mission of this Society in perpetuity.